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Kindle Unlimited: Is it worth it for authors?
The Big 5

NFTs & What this means for authors.

What is an ISBN?

the oxford comma.

Formatting Matters
There are dozens of ways to become a self-published author. It has gotten easier to put your work out there for all to see, however there are a few things that can separate the novice from the professional when it comes to formatting. Here are three formatting tips from one of our senior editors on how to make sure your self-published book looks professional.

How To Create An Outline
If you haven't tuned into #CashTalkTuesday on Facebook, you are missing out on so many tips and tricks to help you write your book! Below is the beginning of an outline that will help you get your thoughts together and create a timeline to finish your book:

Common Phrases in the Lit World
In today’s culture, we love to take shortcuts. Self-publishing is very popular and effective for some, but it’s easy to get caught in the literary world as a novice when you don’t know the lingo. Below are a few common words and phrases you may run into that you may want to know.

How To Build Characters
Characters are just as important as your plot in fiction. If you build strong characters, you can pretty much put them in any situation and your readers will be invested. Even if your story is plot-based, having well-rounded characters will push your plot along. Here are tips on how to build impressive characters that your readers will be invested in.